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Policy & Activities | EAP Mental health Counseling Association nonprofit organization (NPO)
One of our aims is co contribute to improving disorders of mental health for laborers and their working environments through educating counselors who specialize in EAP skills.

Policy & Activities

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EMCA® Policy

1. Our mission is to create a safety net of high-quality mental health care all over Japan through educating EAP counselors.

2. We make it our goal to cover various fields like companies, local communities, schools and families for EAP counselors to conduct their activities.

3. To achieve our mission, we develop human resources which have practical skills based on a high level of knowledge and play an important role in various fields as represented by companies.


One of our aims is co contribute to improving disorders of mental health for laborers and their working environments through educating counselors who specialize in EAP skills.

■Training to enhance aptitude and skill for members

Providing training to develop practical skills to keep giving support specializing in mental issues for EAP counselors.

■Arranging opportunities for hands-on training

We provide opportunities for EAP mental health counselors to take part in counseling and consultations through cooperation
with companies and educational institutions.

■Training eMC® trainers

Training eMC trainers who educate EAP mental health counselors. Trainers who have extensive clinical experience and EAP experienceoffer their know-how.

■Supporting adaptation of EAP programs

Providing a consulting service to companies and local governments who may be potential adopters
of EAP programs.

■Publicity and promotion

Providing information to promote activities of EAP mental health counselors through various media, conducting seminars and events.



Contact info@emca.or.jp

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