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Qualifiying examination of eMC® | EAP Mental health Counseling Association nonprofit organization (NPO)
One of our aims is co contribute to improving disorders of mental health for laborers and their working environments through educating counselors who specialize in EAP skills.

Qualifiying examination of eMC®

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Qualifying examination of eMC®

The qualification exam is administered by EMCA®. The exam is made up of a paper test and practical exam. Qualification is acquired by passing both tests and fulfilling the requirements specified by EMCA.

Qualifying examination of eMC®
Out line of examination Organizer of examination EMCA® EAP Mental health counseling association
Name of examination Qualification examination of EAP mental health counselors
Name of qualification eMC® EAP mental health counselor
Dates of exam The first exam is held every June and December; the
second exam is held within the two months following the first.

Qualification of examination

Those who fulfill the following :

(1)   21 years old and above
※regardless of academic background, age, sex, race, or experience

(2)   Those who finished eMC® curriculum

※within 3 years of finishing the course

Examination fee 1st Pater test 15,000 yen + tax
2nd Practical exam 20,000 yen + tax

Those who fulfill the following :

(1) Successful applicant of Qualification exam of EAP mental health counselors

(2) Requirements specified by EMCA

Contents of examination
categoly style Time of examination Number of questions qualifying standard
1st exam Paper test 90 min 50 questions Passing mark is 60 and above  out of 100
in-class essay (exam) 60 min 1 topic Passing mark is 60 and above  out of 100
Practical exam interview exam 20 min of role playing and 10 min of oral exam 1 case Passing mark is 60 and above  out of 100
EMCA®Requirements specified by EMCA ( need one of these)

(1)  Successful applicant of the following Qualification exams

1. Mental health management ® typeⅡ
2. Mental health management ® typeⅠ

(2)  Those who are qualified

  1. Medical doctor
  2. Clinical psychologist
  3. Health nurse
  4. Nurse
  5. Psychiatric social worker
  6. Technicians of career consulting grade 1/ grade 2

Those with qualifications judged to either equal or surpass the qualifications above by EMCA® authorities

(3)   Qualification exam of those + 2 years or more of business experience

  1. Japan Industrial Counselors Association
  2. Senior Japan Industrial Counselors Association
  3. Carrier consultant qualified by government
  4. Standard carrier consultant
  5. Certificated psychologist

Those with qualifications judged to either equal or surpass the qualifications above by EMCA® authorities

(4)  5 years or more of business experiences in industrial health

Contact info@emca.or.jp

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